Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I just saw an ABC News report that so far four school districts accross the country have banned the most insidious of childhood threats from their playgrounds.....NOT Pedophiles, NOT guns or knives, but TAG!

W.T.F. People!!!!!!!

These curriculum creeps say it is an effort to prevent both physical and psychological injury to our children. WHAT!?!? Are they nuts?!?!

Tag teaches kids speed, endurance, balance, and tactics while also helping to support positive self-image as well as mental and physical agility. The TAGGER has to think quickly, like a tiger, to select his/her target TAGGEE then execute an assault in just the right way so as to limit his/her time as the dreaded TAGGER and allow for the fun of being chased. The TAGGEE must also think quickly as they constantly re-evaluate their speed, direction and any potential obstacles. All while maintaining a situational awareness second only to spy satellites as the TAGGEE tracks the location and direction of the ever present TAGGER. The quick reflexes needed to wiggle, cut, and dive to avoid or make the tag are the same ones needed in later life for sports, driving, and eventually work.

The critics think it singles out the "slow kids", it does. They think it can result in physical injury (from a fall), it can. WHO CARES. IT'S FUN!!!!! I WAS the slow kid, I still loved to play tag because it was my chance to surprise the other kids who thought I couldn't keep up. The fact is, no matter how you slice it TAG is good fun and good for you. If only adults still played tag, Paintball Anyone?

Friday, October 20, 2006

Is your door locked?

In the past 5 weeks I have been buried under more than 20 car burglaries to unlocked vehicles. I was amazed at the number of unsecured vehicles so I did a seat-of-the-pants quick survay of one of the affected neighborhoods. What I found was stunning to those of us in police work.

On the street with the most burglaries I spoke to the residents and found that of the 30 homes on this block only 5 residents claimed to ALWAYS lock their car doors. Thats LESS THAN 20%.

Come on people!!

I'm only too happy to do my job, BUT why create work for me? Why let yourself get violated by these opportunistic thieves? Why leave valuables INSIDE your unlocked car?
What kind of valuables you ask? Cash, Jewelery, Credit Cards, Personal Info, CD's, DVD's, CD & DVD Players, Purses, Wallets, Laptop Computers, Cell Phones, and my personal favorites, Spare Set of Car Keys & GUNS!

I'm sorry, leaving your car unlocked and valuables inside is not a crime, it's a gift! You might as well but a brand new laptop and hand it to the first guy you see when you walk out the store.

We will always try our best to protect you and your property, But we need your help. It's your stuff, You need to take some responsibility for it too.