Monday, March 27, 2006

Immigration, We've All Done It !!!

Okay, I could pontificate ad-nauseum about the threat illegal immigration poses to the "American" way of life or I could prattle on about the terrible conditions most migrant workers have to endure to send money home to a family thousands of miles away. Either way I'm sure you have heard it all before. So rather than re-hash the 6 O'clock news, or quote some Washington DC talking head I'm just going to give it to you the way I see it.

The current Federal immigration process has so many problems it is almost too big to fully comprehend just how broken it is. Instead of a sleek, nimble agency designed to rapidly intercept illegal immigrants, allow for an asylum hearing, then repatriate those not meeting asylum rules, what we have is an albatross of galactic proportions slung about the neck of the American public. This beast of an agency (or in true Federal style, AGENCIES) have rules and procedures so backwards it is actually harder for the agents and inspectors to repatriate a foreign national to their native land than it is to let them stay.

The federal government has it backwards. They need to FIRST, secure the borders, THEN build a better mousetrap. The current system literally is the roof built on walls that are full of holes. Washington keeps saying, 'were keeping the rain off your head', while the walls are full of termites. Eventually, that big safe roof they built will come crashing down when the weakened walls collapse. Without a foundation a roof is useless.

As for these "immigrant rights" groups who have spearheaded the recent protests across America, might I remind them that this is a sovereign nation, just like MEXICO claims each time WE question their policies toward immigration. The United States of America does NOT guarantee its prosperity, its freedom, or its protection to everyone. Those rights are guaranteed to CITIZENS, NOT VISITORS! And let's face it, of the millions of illegal immigrants the majority, although they like the U.S., want to provide for their families and eventually return home to them. Yes, some do come here with the idea to remain and perhaps, one day, bring their family, but as long as they are illegally here they know that getting their family here is a very slim hope.

While this very vocal and visible debate rages let me explain how BIG BUSINESS can solve the whole mess!?!?

Think CARNIVAL, NCL, ROYAL CARIBBEAN, HOLLAND AMERICA, PRINCESS, even DISNEY. ALL of these corporate giants regularly import thousands of hard-working, dedicated foreign nationals to work on ships at ports throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico. These companies DO NOT hire illegal immigrants, they don't have to! There are PLENTY of able-bodied, intelligent, hard-working people in countries around the world who are willing to work hard for six to nine months per contract in order to make more money for their families than they ever could in years of work in their native lands. All of these workers get VISA'S and WORK PERMITS and once they have completed their first contract thay can be fast-tracked to return to the U.S. for their next one (WITH U.S. Government approval). There are people who make careers doing these contracts. A worker for Carnival has, what twenty or so ships to ask for an assignment to. 20 ships X 9 months per ship = 15 YEARS of employment in the United States of America. Is it a perfect system, hell no, nothing is perfect. But imagine if ADM, Dole, or the various Ranchers or Farmers Associations across America began such a program. They use the many head-hunter type employment agencies popping up all over the world that are currently screening workers for the cruise industry and have them find workers who can meet the new company's guidelines for employment.

Make this process pay for the ranchers, farmers and companies and it will work. This also helps the home nations as new businesses spring up seeking contracts to find employees for American companies. It's a win-win for all involved.

I have had the pleasure to get to know a lot of these hard-working cruise line employees. Employees with tenacity and toughness, who work hard to get their job done and take great pride that they came to America and that America will allow them to take home their success to share with their families.

It's just an idea, I could be wrong, but HEY, you never know!

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